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Image of the founder Chris White


PropertyFinders is an approachable and professional Home Search Consultancy, offering a private and very personal service. Established by name, in 2022, PropertyFinders has actually been around in continuity since 2016 when the Head Consultant Chris White set up his practice as an independent consultant.

At PropertyFinders not only do you get the technical skills and processes of the home search but additionally you will get to grow your own knowledge of the local areas and new environment through conversation and listening to the multitude of story's that can be told from a consultants lifetime of experience around the UK.

The Consultants View

I came from a very different background, working in the public sector, but had dreamt up the concept of assisting people in finding property. My previous roles had built up a good base of knowledge of many geographical areas, which I was able to keep expanding on. To begin my career I approached a relocation company to offer the idea along with my services. It tuned out the industry was well established, albeit niche and after a successful interview process and a few months of on the job training, I set out as a consultant and embarked on my journey pursuing ever more challenging searches and client requirements. Time spent 'doing' naturally hones your skills and knowledge and I have also expanded my network of professional relationships which often yields great results with off market properties. I like to think I have a very unique and varied set of skills and experience, built up over my lifetime, living and working around London and the UK more generally, which I use to my clients benefit. I always like to be straight talking and honest with my clients, but deliver in a very friendly, confident and relaxed style, which is a huge part of the success and enjoyment achieved by my over 450+ previous clients. I am also a huge believer that mindset plays a critical role in the outcome of a search and I really enjoy helping to develop a positive mindset within my clients which improves tremendously the chance of a positive outcome.

With a background in Policing the streets of London for 10 years, I'm no stranger to danger and maintain an ever present awareness of security aspects and concerns around crime and safety which my clients can benefit from. I will always be honest around what I see and my view on it, both in the context of an individuals search but also in the broader context of the current market and macro environment. I am also, proudly trained as a level 2 police response driver and as such I am accredited as an advanced driver and hold membership with the Institute of Advanced Motorists. If safety is a high priority, it is doubtful there is another consultant out there with a more appropriate and qualified skill set and knowledge to work with.   

A stylised font in the name of the founder
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